
Find corrupted files using grep
Find corrupted files using grep

You can now mark some candidates (including whole directories) and grep them with rg -z by pressing M-g R from Helm FF. (define-key helm-find-files-map (kbd "M-g R") 'helm-ff-run-rg-z)

find corrupted files using grep

helm-ff-rg-z) (cdr (last helm-find-files-actions))) (push '("Grep with `rg -z' (`C-u' to select file types)". (helm-exit-and-execute-action 'helm-ff-rg-z))) "Run `helm-ff-rg-z' from Helm FF with a key binding." (helm-grep-ag helm-ff-default-directory helm-current-prefix-arg))) (string-replace "%" "%%" (shell-quote-argument relative-candidate))) (helm-grep-ag-command (concat "rg -z -color=always -smart-case -no-heading -line-number -with-filename %s - %s" (file-relative-name candidate helm-ff-default-directory)) (relative-candidates (mapcar (lambda (candidate) (let* ((candidates (helm-marked-candidates :with-wildcard t)) Unfortunately, the_silver_searcher ( ag) has a bug, so we’ll have to stick to rg. Helm-find-files (Helm FF) already includes an action to run zgrep on the marked candidates, you can run it with M-g z ( C-u to recurse).īut maybe your zgrep doesn’t support the. Am wondering if there are other simple alternatives that I could try here to hop into a swoop/grep/occur really anything to fulfill that extra functionality The dot simply means start the search from the current working directory. I also tried to find a way to use helm-rg but so far that does not seem to accept a list of paths and instead only a directory (and that works poorly because the log directory is huge with too many large logs). If you’re using Linux, performing a recursive grep is very easy. Haven't found a good hook either for this in helm-grep (helm-do-ag log-directory (helm-marked-candidates))))īut the output of that looks corrupt. "Any swoop/helm-ag/occur over the files would be great here." The closest I've come so far is with helm-ag by doing something like this: (defun grep-logs-action (log-directory log-name) I tried looking at the occur family of functions or even helm-swoop but those go off buffers. The file I am searching for is located under /topfolder/js/rules.js. I have a website and I want to search for all the html pages that dont contain a certain js file.

find corrupted files using grep

From stackoverflow to just see the line of non ascii characters: grep -color'auto' -P -n ' \x80-\xFF' file.xml. You just asked to locate the bad characters, not fix them like the SQL function does. Hi all, I am still learning my way around unix commands and I have the following question. Though I haven't tested that particular specification inside the excel file I see the sql file mappings. I'm having trouble with a "grep across selected log files" primarily because they are xz compressed. Using grep to find files that dont contain a string. (in the above I pass log-directory myself from a lambda and helm gives me log-name but I ignore it to instead consider all selected candidates (based on reading handling multiple selections) (let ((full-paths (mapcar (lambda (fn) (concat log-directory "/" fname)) To do so, use the -e flag and keep adding the desired number of search patterns: grep -e pattern1 -e pattern2 fileNameorfilePath. Another option is to add multiple separate patterns to the grep command. I've got this all working for actions like this: (defun visit-logs-action (log-directory log-name) egrep pattern1pattern2 fileNameorfilePath. Tail -f tail -f /opt/splunk/var/log/splunk/splunkd.I'm trying to implement a simple helm extension for work which among other things provides an action to "grep across selected log file candidates".

find corrupted files using grep find corrupted files using grep

Rm -rf /opt/splunk/etc/apps/aristanetworks Then delete the app or duplicate csv (In my case delete the app contain csv duplicate) opt/splunk/etc/apps/aristanetworks/lookups/interface-speed.csv:speed,"speed_desc",speed opt/splunk/etc/apps/TA-arista/lookups/interface-speed.csv:speed,"speed_desc",Speed Grep -Rw '/opt/splunk/etc/apps/' -e 'speed' -include=*.csv Solution - Find the speed word in the csv files of the splunk apps directory. "09-19-2019 22:05:14.045 -0500 WARN SearchResultsCSVSerializer - Corrupt csv header, 2 columns with the same name 'speed' (col #3 and #0, #3 will be ignored)" Something similar happened to me, we had an TA Addon arista and the app Arista operating in the Search Head, we found that there was a duplicate word "speed" in a CSV but there was no reference to what lookup it was.

Find corrupted files using grep